Dr. Osei Kwame Despite‘s first son, Kennedy Osei Asante and his wife, Tracy Osei Gyamfuah Ameyaw have named their twin daughters, Kayla Osei and Kaylee Osei.
The plush christening ceremony was held earlier today, Saturday, 13 February 2021 inside Dr. Osei Kwame Despite‘s East Legon mansion.
The same day happened to be the 1st wedding anniversary of Kennedy Osei and his wife, Tracy Osei which was dubbed “Kency”.
The event saw the likes of Dr. Osei Kwame Despite, Dr. Ernest Ofori Sarpong, Fadda Dickson, Medikal just to mention few.
The babies have been named Kayla andKaylee Osei at a ceremony that seen Medikal present and eventually taking a tour in the Despite mansion to look at the fleet of Despite’s toys.
The meaning of names of the twins have been revealed as Adom and Nhyira.
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