Truth Be Told;Our Pastors Are Interested In Money Than The Souls In The Church -Captain Smart Boldly Speaks-CHECK DETAILS.

Captain Smart has expressed his disappoinment in the Pastors, Evangelists, Bishops and Archbishops all over the World for their love for material things at the expense of their members. The world is changing and all indication shows that, our men of God are also changing towards the demands of the world.

The phenomenon has to do with chasing wealth and riches. The men of God who are expected to take a very good care of people and win more souls for God has abandoned thier mandate and they are chasing materials things more than the Church members under them. The story must change and this is exactly what Captain Smart is calling for today. Our men of God must realize the responsibility placed on them. They must work effortlessly to the glory of God.

Speaking live on Onua TV this morning, Captain Smart is of the view that, the current crop of leaders we have in our churches these days are lovers of money and not lovers of the the dying sinful souls. In Captain Smart’s expression, instead of the pastors to take responsibility in the affairs of their congregation, they turn to enrich themselves and they have no pity or concern for the souls that God has place under their care.

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Some pastors will get the mandate and say that, they will not use Church tithes and offerings to cater for the members. They do not care whether the souls should perish or not. Jesus Christ did not adopt that attitude. When one sheep got missing, he left the 99 in search of the missing one. But our pastors and men of God these days are lovers of money. They love money more than the members in their Churches. Major corruptions are now being recorded within Churches. What example are we living for the next generation”. – Captain Smart intoned.

Source: Education GH

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