Payment Of Responsibility Allowance; GES Drops Latest Update On Responsibility Allowance for Teachers -Check Out Details.

Payment Of Responsibility Allowance; GES Drops Latest Update On Responsibility Allowance for Teachers -Check Out Details.

Management of Ghana Education Service (GES) has clarified rumours encircling Responsibility Allowance for Personnel of the Ghana Education Service after numerous allegations about the service not giving them the due cut.

According to the Ghana Education Service, their attention has been drawn to lots of misinterpretation over the issue of Responsibility Allowance within the Service especially staff of the Ghana Education Service (GES).

GES clarified that, allowances are given to Staff of the Service, but each allowance has terms and qualifications guiding its disbursement.

GES Allowances for GES Staff

1. Responsibility Allowance

2. Transfer Grant

3. Additional Duty Allowance

4. Vehicle Maintenance and Kilometric Allowance

5. Allowances for Directors

6. Allowances for Teachers in Deprived/difficult Areas

7. Retention Premium

8. Continuous Professional Development Allowance

9. Acting Allowance

10. Night Allowance

Other GES Allowances

There are other allowances GES staff are entitled to including the above ten (10) listed ones. Some are:

1. Risk Allowance

2. Rent Advance

3. Protective clothing

4. Salary Advance

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5. Advance to purchase means of Transport.

The above-listed are some allowances due to GES staff under the auspices of Ghana Education Service (GES).

On the issue of Responsibility Allowance, Ghana Education Service (GES) sort out the groups/ranks that are entitled to the Responsibility Allowance.

Category of GES Staff who qualify for Responsibility Allowance

According to the sorting made by GES, Responsibility Allowance is payable to only Professional Teachers who are of the following ranks.

1. Deputy Director

2. Assistant Director I

3. Assistant Director II

4. Principal Superintendent

Further, Teaching and Non-Teaching staffs are part but there is a limit/boundary. The boundary talks extensively about the “Responsibilities” that the following title holders play hence, their genuine cut-receiving.

Responsibilities which attract allowance among the Teaching Staff of GES

Responsibilities indicated by GES which attract allowance among Teaching Staff of the Ghana Education Service (GES) are as follow:

1. School Head (Basic)

2. Headmasters/Mistresses (SHS)

3. Assistant Headmasters/Mistresses (SHS)

4. Chaplains/Imams

5. Form Master/Mistress (Class Master/Mistress)

6. Guidance and Counseling

7. Co-ordinators

8. Heads of Departments (Programme Heads)

9. House Master/Mistress

Frontline Heads (at Districts & Regions)

10. Unit Heads (Headquarters

Head of Department for Responsibility Allowance

For the avoidance of doubt, the Head of Department refers to the following Departments:

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1. Agricultural Science

2. Business

3. Technical

4. Home Economics

5. Visual Arts

6. General Science

7. General Arts

8. Languages

9. Mathematics and ICT

Non-Teaching Staff Responsibility Allowance

The other Responsibility Allowance receivers are the Non-Teaching Staff.

Non-teaching staff entitled to Responsibility Allowance are:

1. Principal Accountant (Substantive)

2. Principal Internal Auditor (Substantive)

3. Principal Administrative Officer (Who has duly been posted as Head of the Administrative unit by the Regional Director of Education to a School/Office).

According to GES, Staff are also to note that their respective responsibilities are factored into the salary level on the Single Spine Salary Structure.

Based on that, there is no separate salary line for Responsibility Allowance on the payslip of GES staff.

It is the belief of Management of GES that, these clarifications will bring to rest some of the allegations within some sections of GES staff.


Source: Daniel Selasi

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