My Own Colleague Pastors Plotted For My Downfall And Death-Popular Man Of God Sadly Reveals-CHECK DETAILS.

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Bishop Dr Bonegas has reveal the ordeal he went through in the year 2016 and how other men of God wished he could die. But God is not a man and he does not think the way we do. If God be for us, who can be against us.

Pastors are expected to work together in other to build a good foundation in other to covert souls to the body of Christ. Unity should be the hallmark of Christianity and Christians are expected to stay together and collaborate towards the development of the Kingdom business.

However, the story id different these days. Distinction, parity, favouritism, Selfishness are all being practiced in the house of God. According to Bishop Dr Bonegas, he went through a lot in his ministry and several attackes came upon his life; but God Almighty saved him. ” The afflictions of the righteous are many, but God Almighty delivers them all”.

Explaining his ordeal further, Bishop Bonegas made it clear that, his Church Building collapsed mysterious in 2016 and in that same year in August, some of his Church members died instantly infront of the Church as a result of Car Accident.

“The accident that occured in front of my church was suspected to be an attack on me. But my Junior Pastor then called me out of my Vehicle, so the target failed leading to the death of a member and others in critical condition till date. A lot can be said, but we leave all things in the hands of God. Some my own colleagues pastors plotted my down fall and wish I should die. Some men of God even incited bloggers and presenters to announce my death. But the holy spirit instructed me not to talk or appear on the public scene at the moment”. – Bishop Bonegas Stated.

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Source: Education GH

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