Preaching about the word of God it’s not a sin but sometimes some individuals try to abuse the rules and regulations governing the country all in the name of God. You should do it according to the law.
Well, it’s true God so loved the world that’s was the reason he gave his only begotten son so that whosoever believes in him would have everlasting life without perishing god really loved his children but in the Bible, it was written give what is Caesar unto Caesar.
in the news today three street pastors who decided to disobey rules and regulations by Accra metropolitan assembly have been arrested and sanctioned for making noise. This was a surprise to many Ghanaians because they are a lot of pastors preaching on the street.
According to Accra Metropolitan Assembly, you need to have a permit before you are permitted to preach on the street. Aside from that, there are rules and regulations you have to follow. You don’t go against it all in the name of God. Even God gave ten commandments to those worshiping him to follow. It is the same thing you have to abide by the laws of society. They are not against the world of (Anti – Christ) but they are working with the law.
According to some residents and people at the market centers, these pastors are using the name of God to abuse people. It is God the law has started working, there are a lot of places they have to visit like Kasoa market, Tema, Nungua, Kantamato, Circle, and others.