JUST IN: We Have Postponed The Exercise; Ghana Education Service Sends Urgent Message To Teachers Nationwide -DETAILS

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We Have Postponed The Exercise; Ghana Education Service Sends Urgent Message To Teachers Nationwide -DETAILS.

People were totally dumfounded and started grambling and mammering after it was shockingly anounsed that Ghana Education Service postpone 2022 promotional aptitude test.

This postponement became necessary after a number of GES staff raised series of compounded issues culminating in the institute. Lol and be hold After the results of last years promotional examination conducted was released, countless controvercyces seriously emanated.


Besides, the cous and the tenacity from staffs pertaining to the examination results, there exist internal issues between the management members of the Ghana Education Service . These forces forcefully kicked against the ideology of conducting the 2022 promotional Examination.

Ghana Education Service postpone Promotional Exams

Due to the above reason, management members are assiduously leaving no stone unturn in the attempt of binding and casting any obstacle that may ruin the reputation and professionalism of the promotional examination in the institute.

GES as a body is therefore urging all teachers who are qualified for 2022 promotion and have dully registered for the aptitude test to keep on revising all the relevant materials that are directly linked to the examination.

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They re-emphasized that, The exact month for the conduction of the incoming aptitude test has been adjoined to February 2023 but the exact date will be communicated to staff by hock or crock.

They advised that, sooner than later the ball will be set rolling, so rumours that the aptitude test is becoming a white elephant should not be condoned.

We will surely peep through every hole to abreast any later development and bring it to your door step.

Source: CoverGhana

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