Important:Never Touch These 2 Body Part Of A Lady During Sex.They Hate It’s Completely -CHECK.

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Touching and being touched is essential for both physical and emotional health. By touching each other for a few minutes or even a few seconds couples can harmonize energies and restore contact. When couples touch each other during intimacy, a hormone called Oxycontin is released into the bloodstream. This strengthens affection, reduces tension and increases the production of sex hormones. In women it strengthens their sexual receptivity and libido.

However, many men are not aware that, the fact that a woman has agreed to make love does not mean you can run your fingers all over her body indiscriminately. According to sex experts, there are a few parts of a lady’s body you shouldn’t attempt to touch at all.

1. Hair

You might find it weird but this one is completely legit. No woman likes her hair to be pulled, tousled or entangled during sex when she has spent hours and spent quite a lot of money to get it fixed in the salon for them.

2. Anal region.

Studies from the Journal of Sexual Medicine shows that the part of the body women hate to be touched the most is the anus. Just don’t go near her anal region. It is a super turn for most women. The anal opening is small enough that even a finger can feel uncomfortable.

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Source: Operanews

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