Check Out Some Ways You Can Prevent Contracting S#xually Transmitted Infections- [CHECK OUT]

S3xually transmitted infections (STIs) refer to infections that are spread through indulgence in unprotected intercourse with an infected person.

The spread of these infections during intercourse can be prevented when a person adopts certain measures.


According to Healthline, ways you can be prevented from STIs include:

1. Get vaccinated

Try to get vaccinated for human papillomavirus (HPV) around the age of 11 or 12.

Doing so at a young age before you start having intercourse ensures that you’re protected against human papillomavirus before you’re exposed to the virus.

But if you weren’t vaccinated as a child, you may still benefit from getting vaccinated as an adult.

2. Get tested after every new partner

Many STIs don’t show symptoms.

For this reason, it’s vital to get tested before having intercourse with a new partner. Both you and your partners should get tested.

If you or a partner has an infection, you might be able to adopt certain precautions to prevent it from spreading between you.

For instance, if you have HIV, your partner can take pre-exposure prophylaxis to help prevent them from contracting it.



3. Use protection every time you have intercourse

The use of protection each time you have intercourse oral, vaginal, or anal is the best way to help prevent the spread of some kind of STIs.

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If you don’t want to use protection, ensure that both you and your partners don’t have any STIs.

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