Check Out Some Effects Of $ex On People With High Blood Pressure- [CHECK OUT]

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Most of the time, you can’t see any signs or symptoms of high blood pressure. But it might be clear how it will change your $exual life. Even though having s£x probably won’t put your health at risk right away, like by giving you a heart attack, having high blood pressure can affect how much you enjoy s£x in general.

If you tell your doctor about your worries and work closely with him or her, you can get treatment for high blood pressure and still have a fulfilling $exual life.

The Mayo Clinic says that there is a link between high blood pressure and problems with $ex in men. At the moment, there is no solid proof that women who are less satisfied with their $ex have higher blood pressure.

When blood pressure is too high, the lining of the blood vessels gets hurt over time. Also, it causes atherosclerosis, which makes the arteries stiff and narrow, reducing blood flow. So, less blood goes to the parts of a man’s body that make babies.

Because the blood flow is less, some men may find it hard to get and keep an erèction. Erèctile dysfunction is the name for this problem.

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Even a single time, not being able to get an èrection can be stressful. Men may avoid sèxual contact out of fear that it will happen again, which could hurt their relationships with their partners.

High blood pressure can also stop spèrm from being released and reduce the desire to be sèxual. Some medicines for high blood pressure could have the same effect.

High blood pressure may have some effect on sèx problems in women, but it’s not known how much. High blood pressure, on the other hand, could hurt the health of a woman’s reproductive system.

Nitric oxide is a chemical that helps relax smooth muscles. High blood pressure may lower the amount of nitric oxide in the body, which could block blood flow to the female private area.


Most of the time, having high blood pressure doesn’t mean you have to give up a happy $exual life. Being open and honest with your doctor will help you better manage your therapy and get over any problems you may be having with intimacy.


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