A few weeks ago the Ghana health service confirmed the Marburg virus endemic in communities around the ashanti region. Sad news reaching us today indicates that, two people have died of the Marburg virus with over 98 others under quarantine.
The viral disease is allegedly transmitted from bats onto humans and and it’s mode of transmission is through bodily contacts with fluids and excreter from infected bats and persons.
It is said to be a very deadly virus that it leaves it’s victims with severe headache, fever, muscle pains, vomiting blood and bleeding very similar to Ebola virus.
The Ghana health service has advised Ghanaians from eating rodents and bats or visiting caves that habour these Marburg virus carriers. The viral disease was first suspected in adansi north district of the ashanti region and sawla district of the savannah region and the infected persons have been quarantined to prevent continues spread.
Source: Newscastle
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